Let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each option. When it comes to adding closed captions and subtitles to YouTube videos, you have three options, including using the YouTube Caption Editor, DIY captioning, and outsourcing. What are all of the ways to add captions to YouTube Videos? Your caption turnaround time will depend on the length of the video, but it is usually within 24 hours. Once you have finished the check out process, you can order your captions or subtitles and Rev will do all the heavy lifting for you.

Rev will preselect the “automatically deliver files back to YouTube” box and allow you to finish the checkout process Select the YouTube video you want to add subtitles or captions to and click “add selected to cart” 4. Pro tip: You can also upload a file or paste a YouTube video URL in this step. On the “Order Captions” page, click on “YouTube” Rev uses human professional captioners and subtitle translators for all YouTube video captioning. The benefit of this integration is you don’t have to do any of the captioning yourself, you can place your order in a matter of seconds, and you can rest assured your captions and subtitles will be accurate. Since YouTube is the number one video platform, Rev offers an easy-to-use YouTube integration.

This begs the question, “what is the best and most convenient option to add subtitles to YouTube videos?” How to add closed captions and subtitles to YouTube with the Rev YouTube integration

With all of these benefits, adding subtitles & closed captions to your YouTube videos is a no-brainer.