While all of these shows were made using Anchor -the platform where creators have the ability to record, distribute, and monetize their podcasts from any device (for free)-it turns out that 90% of podcast consumption on Spotify in Indonesia comes from Anchor-made programming. Thanks to a new partnership with some of Indonesia’s biggest podcasters, eight of the top-streamed shows in Indonesia ( Podcast Raditya Dika (PORD), Do You See What I See, PODKESMAS, Rapot, Menjadi Manusia, Podcast Bagi Horror, Box2Box Football Podcast, and Podcast Suara Puan ) are now available exclusively on Spotify-marking the first round of Spotify Exclusive Podcasts in Southeast Asia.
Now, you can import any of those right into your podcast, without having to waste time wondering why in 2018 you still have to email audio files back and forth to yourself across your many devices.If you think podcasts are all the rage around the world, you’re onto something. You might have a new theme song you just made in GarageBand, a couple of wacky sound effects, an outro song you’ve got stored in Dropbox, and a voice memo hanging around that you want to use for comedic effect. If you’re like most podcasters, you’re probably pulling in lots of different kinds of audio for your episodes.

And because of our handy visual episode builder, you can rearrange and organize your segments painlessly - no more forgetting which piece of the waveform was which. You can even delete an unnecessary part of your recording by splitting it first. This makes it really easy to insert transitions, voice messages from your listeners, your jingle, or any other kind of audio right into your existing recording. You can also split a recording into multiple segments, and use those segments together in one episode or spread across multiple episodes.